Accepting the Challenge

atcAccepting The Challenge was published on behalf of the SRWC by Stream Restoration Incorporated in 2001.  The purpose of the book is to provide an overview for the general public about the history, cause, and solutions to abandoned mine drainage.  The book was written by Will Taylor, of the Jennings Environmental Education Center.  The book is an excellent teacher resource, covering the history and techniques of coal mining as well as the impact it has on our land and water.  We hope you will take the time to learn more about abandoned mine drainage and its effects on our watersheds.

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About the Author

Wil Taylor is an active participant of the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition and is currently the Park Manager at the Jennings Environmental Education Center.  Jennings is a resource-based state park located near the town of Slippery Rock, in Butler County that features the only protected and managed prairie in Pennsylvania, several endangered plants and animals and an abandoned mine that discharges severely degraded mine drainage which is being treated by a environmentally-friendly passive treatment system. Wil has developed and facilitated many educational and interpretive programs centered around the history of  the mine, the issue of abandoned mine drainage and passive treatment. These programs have included teacher workshops, agency trainings, college courses, middle school and high school programs and community events and presentations.   After teaching about coal mining and abandoned mine drainage for a number of years, Wil decided that it would be beneficial to the general public to write a book about history, cause, and solutions to abandoned mine drainage.  The book “Accepting the Challenged” was first published in 2001 by Stream Restoration Incorporated.

Uses for the Book

Accepting The Challenge is not only a wonderful book for an individual wishing to learn on their own, but it is also an excellent reference and teaching tool for teachers from elementary school through college. The book brings together many different areas of study including history, geology, chemistry, biology, environmental science, and engineering. The book is easy to read and has some interesting historic pictures. In addition, the digital version provides numerous links to additional content available on the web including videos, books, scientific papers, teaching resources and organizational websites containing more resources and links, which will allow the interested reader to further explore the various topics covered in the book.

Public/Private Partnership

In order to write and publish Accepting the Challenge, the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition enlisted the assistance of many in the public and private sector. This public/private partnership is an excellent example of what can be accomplished when a variety of people and organizations work together to accomplish a common goal. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the companies, agencies, and individuals that made this publication possible.

Private Industry
Amerikohl Mining Inc. , John Stilley, President
Quality Aggregates Inc., Joseph Aloe, President
Allegheny Mineral Corp., Darrel Lewis, Vice President
Biomost, Inc., Timothy Danehy, Secretary-Treasurer

Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
The William & Frances Aloe Charitable Foundation
Stream Restoration Inc. , Margaret Dunn, President
Urban Wetland Institute, Dr. Fred Brenner, President

PA Dept. Of Conservation & Natural Resources
PA Dept. Of Environmental Protection

Joan Clippinger, PA DCNR
Sarah Hopkins, PA DCNR
Robert Dolence
Robert Beran, Beran Environmental, Inc.
Jeff Jarrett, PA Dep
Robert & Margaret Hensley
Bob Zick
Jeff Ankrom, Quality Aggregates
Janice Belgraden
Charles Cooper, CDS Assoc., Inc.
Mike Leon

Download a Copy

Accepting The Challenge is available for download as a PDF document. The book can be downloaded as either one complete document or can be downloaded in individual sections. For slower internet connections it is recommend that the book be downloaded in individual sections. Please note that downloading the book as individual sections will result in certain features to not function.

Entire Book (6.5 mb)


Cover, Forward, and Table of Contents (1.0 mb)

Chapter 1 – Digging Up the Past (1.1 mb)

Chapter 2 – Relics Upon the Land (1.4 mb)

Chapter 3 – The Source and the Impact (0.4 mb)

Chapter 4 – Naturally Innovative Solutions (1.2 mb)

Chapter 5 – Getting Started (1.3 mb)

Glossary, Bibliography, Additional Resources, and Back Cover (1.0 mb)