One of the goals of the SRWC is to provide educational opportunities at all levels to all age groups interested in watershed restoration efforts. Our outreach activities have included monthly meetings, symposiums, project tours, school presentation (elementary, high school, and college), to name a few. Click the link below for more specific information.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held at Jennings Environmental Education Center on the second Thursday of every month at 7 PM! Learn about the latest happenings in the watershed and enjoy some free pizza and soda.
Student Symposium
Learn about the research of local college students (and the occasional high school student) in areas such as soil science, watershed restoration, local environmental education issues, and others.
Ohio River Watershed Celebration
The SRWC has participated from the very beginning in this fun-filled day of networking and learning about the Ohio River Watershed. Local environmental initiatives are celebrated and encouraged.